Dietary supplement to food "PHYTOTEA" POWER OF THE RUSSIAN HERBS "№32 For cleansing the body"
violet grass and horsetail, cassia leaves (senna) and peppermint, roots with licorice rhizomes, stevia leaves, yarrow grass, sage leaves, rose hips, laxative (buckthorn) and juniper, herb St. John's wort, chamomile flowers and linden sertsevidnoy.
Herbal tea stimulates all the excretory systems of the body, facilitating the removal of by-products and toxins from it, has a laxative, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs, eliminates spasms. It regulates metabolism, improves blood composition, cleanses the cells and body fluids. The impact of the composition due to the unique ratio of parts, which together provide the necessary energy chord, stimulating cleansing of the body. In addition, each component of herbal tea separately is appropriate.
Violet helps to accelerate the renewal of tissues and the complete cleansing of the body from toxins, poisons and products of the wrong metabolic process, stabilizes cell membranes.
Horsetail improves the condition of the epithelium, mucous membranes, connective tissue, blood vessel walls, prevents stone formation in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladder, the deposition of uric acid in gout, cleans the joints.
Sena It has an antitoxic and laxative effect due to the presence of antraglycosides, which, disintegrating in the gastrointestinal tract, cause an increase in motility of the large intestine.
Juniper and Mint thanks to essential oils, they saturate the body with aero ions (negative charge), which results in improved well-being and tissue renewal.
Liquorice root It has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, has a tonic effect.
Stevia one of the most valuable plants, increases the level of human bioenergy capabilities, normalizes metabolism.
Yarrow improves digestion, tones and regulates metabolism, neutralizes harmful metabolic products in the body, prevents kidney stone formation.
Sage reduces the formation of gas in the intestines; increases the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract, has a rejuvenating effect.
briar contains pectic substances that remove toxins from the body, normalizes metabolism and general well-being.
Kushina (Zhoster) - Complete cleansing of the body from toxins, poisons, bactericides.
Tutsan relaxes the smooth muscles of the bile ducts, blood vessels of the intestine and ureter, bactericidal action due to tannins, regulates metabolic processes in the body, acts tonic and biostimulating.
Camomile gives antiseptic, diaphoretic, choleretic effect; relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs and eliminates the spasm; reduce fermentation processes in the intestine.
Linden has choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic effects, accelerates the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
The composition of herbal tea included only edible, pleasant to the taste and healthy plants.
Application areas:
It is recommended as a biologically active food supplement, a source of anthraquinones, flavonoids and glycyrrhizic acid.
Product form:
Single brewing filter packages according to 1,5
Method of preparation:
1 filter bag pour one glass (200 ml) of boiling water and infuse 15 min.
Adults take 1 a glass of 2 infusion once a day with meals.
Reception duration:
2-3 weeks.
individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, acute intestinal diseases, a tendency to diarrhea. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Phytotea "Strength of Russian herbs" No. 32 is included in the menu of a diet that favors the prevention and cure of a person from diseases accompanied by difficulty in excretion of their body: chronic colitis, adhesions in the abdominal cavity, diseases of the stomach, duodenum, liver, dysbacteriosis, hemorrhoids, back fractures passage, habitual constipation, diseases of the urinary system, reduced thyroid function, adrenal glands, acute and chronic poisoning, malnutrition, foodborne infection, exposure oksicheskih substances, radiation, alcohol and drug addiction.
Shelf life:
18 months.