"For diseases of the joints"
sabelnik marsh (aboveground and underground parts), hung birch buds, nettle leaves, burdock roots, stevia leaves, field violet grass, field horsetail, creeping thyme grass, triterion grass, mayrose rosehip, dry echinacea extract, linden flowers heart-shaped, fruits of mountain ash, rhizomes of calamus.Tea eliminates inflammation, relieves pain, reduces morning stiffness and increases joint mobility, protects internal organs. Herbal tea is effective in acute, subacute, prolonged and recurrent rheumatism, as well as in articular syndrome, inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the spine. The impact of the composition due to the unique ratio of parts, giving the total required energy chord, which neutralizes the imbalance that provokes rheumatism. Restoration of the normal energy characteristics of the body is accompanied by the cessation of inflammatory processes. In addition, each component of herbal tea separately is appropriate.
Sabelnik used in rheumatism.
Birch relieves joint inflammation and pain, has a diuretic effect, regulates the metabolism of rheumatism. Eliminates swelling of the joints, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, helping to remove harmful substances from the body.
Nettle and wild rose, being a multivitamin plant, increase the body's resistance to various factors of the external and internal environment, have anti-inflammatory effects, relieve tissue swelling, their ascorbic acid is involved in the biosynthesis of intercellular substances and collagen, contributing to the regeneration of connective tissue.
Burdock root is a painkiller and restores the body's metabolism in articular rheumatism.
Stevia effective in pathology of the joints (arthritis, osteoarthrosis), has unique healing properties.
Violet It has an effective effect in the treatment of joint inflammation.
Horsetail grass soothes pain, relieves inflammation.
Thyme used for pain in the joints, rheumatism.
It is important to add turns because it has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiallergic, antiseptic, diaphoretic properties, stimulates adrenal function, enhancing immunity.
Echinacea stimulates the body's immune system, is effective in chronic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis).
Linden color has a calming, analgesic, diuretic, diaphoretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect; moderately reduces blood viscosity.
Rowan relieves puffiness of inflamed tissues, increases the resistance of vessels to adverse effects, normalizes metabolism, eliminates vitamin deficiency in the body.
Root of calamus снимает боль и воспаление, укрепляет организм, способен нейтрализовать аутотоксины.
The combination of components in the proportion that is part of, enjoys the people deserved authority as a therapeutic herbal remedy and allows us to guarantee you complete success in the case of long-term and proper use. The composition of herbal tea included only edible, pleasant to the taste and healthy plants.
Application areas:
рекомендуется в качестве биологически активной добавки к пище, источника гидроксикоричных кислот, содержащей флавоноиды.
Product form:
Single brewing filter packages according to 1,5
Method of preparation:
1 filter bag pour one glass (200 ml) of boiling water and infuse 15 min.
Adults take 1 a glass of 1 infusion once a day with meals.
Reception duration:
2-3 weeks.
индивидуальная непереносимость компонентов, беременность и кормление грудью, прогрессирующие системные заболевания, (туберкулез, лейкоз, рассеянный склероз, коллагеноз). Перед применением рекомендуется проконсультироваться с врачом.
Фиточай "Сила российских трав" №14 входит в меню диеты, благоприятствующей профилактике и излечению человека от ревматических заболеваний: ревматизм; артриты инфекционные; артриты постинфекционные; ревматоидный артрит; анкилозирующий спондилоартрит; псориатический артрит; энтерогенные артриты; деформирующий остеоартроз; остеохондроз межпозвонковый; спондилоартроз; периартриты.
Shelf life:
18 months.